29 Kasım 2008 Cumartesi

People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life. Some read; some exercise; others work in their gardens.Stress derives from being abnormally thinking habits.To escape this illness,there are some ways.For example ;doing exercise,playing games,living life actively are some ways of escaping from this illness.As you see the most important way is being active both physically,and mentally.


Attending a live performance (for example, a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than watching the same play on television.Because,when you attend a live performance ,you also feel as if you live the setting.It is also impressive, and efective for us. For example, i watched the live performance of ''Cumhuriyet'' . It was very effective,then i watched it on television.When i watched it on tv.,i didn' feel somethinh special,so i recommend you to visit live performance.;)))))

23 Kasım 2008 Pazar


Many students have to live with roommates while going to school or university.It has some pros and cons.For example;living with friends is good and enjoyable,on the other hand it teaches us many things as sharing life ,and being patient,and above all how to save money.But it has also some disadvantages;for example sometimes you can face some hard events and strange people.And sometimes you can come upon events which you don't expect.It is definetly hard.

Some people prefer to get up early in the morning and start the day's work. Others prefer to get up later in the day and work until late at night.I think this difference takes place because of people's having different characters.I think that getting up early,and starting work earlier is important.Because almost all of us complain about having little time,and to solve this problem we must consider getting up early.We shouldn't get up late to keep up with the day.On the other hand,each person has her own living style,so this differs person to person.

18 Kasım 2008 Salı


Some universities think that attendence is a must,but others think that attendence should be optional.This subject lead to some arguments in education.I think that it should be optional,because a university student should know her/his responsibilty and there is no need to force them to attend class.And also if attending is useful for students or not is the thing that students can decide,so attendence shouldn't be must for us.


Teachers must know how to be effective to their students.For example,i had an English teacher who gave us fotocopies in each lesson throghout one year.We couldn’t understand the topic from her fotocopies ,and we explained that we didn’t like this type,but she ignored us.Then we dediced not to do her homeworks not to listen her lessons ,and to chat in her exams.we applied it.This event ococured in the first year of my high ,that is prep class.As you know in prep class we had English lessons most part of the week,and we went to school that year in vain.Because she ignored us ,and her aim was only to pass time.Me and one of my friends wanted to choose english department,and she didn’t pay attention to us.When we come to firsst year,we had another English teacher,and he paid attention to us ,taught us how to prepare for yds,how to study English,etc.We accomplished to learn it thanks to him.I think that a teacher must have some characteristics.For example,she/he must be businesslike,guider,friendly,serious,deliberate,knowledgeable,credible,adaptable,humoroussupportive,and open minded.these are vital parts of being an effective teacher.I hope we will become an effective teacher.

17 Kasım 2008 Pazartesi


The answer of this question is exactly NO.Because according to a research,sleeping is an action because of changing brain activity.In addition to this scientists say that they observed eye movement, muscle activity, and brain waves during sleep.Sleeping consists of two parts.The one is Slow Wave Sleep(SWS),and the other is Rapid Eye Movement(REM).SWS is a slow stage of sleeping ,and REM is a long stage of it.To sum u, our brain doesn’t sleep,when we are sleeping.


Shopping is a habit.I think making shopping list doesn’t work,instead it helps us to waste money.When making shopping list,we think all the productions ,and it makes us buy unnecessary productions.Then think the other option,supermarket.I think they make us waste money,too.When you enter a supermarket ,you buy many things you don’t need.Try to be careful,and avoid subjecting to these affects.

4 Kasım 2008 Salı


My horoscope is leo,and my birthday is in August.My horoscope's charecter is that leo is outgoing,warm, likely, confident, creative,but sometimes leo can be dogmatic ,and afraid of rejection.Leo' s symbol is leon,element's is fire ,ruling planet's is sun.On the other hand, leos enjoy working with group,and they tend to be leader.They are the reflection of power in the nature.


When we hear the word of family, a smile comes to our face. Because it remembers us the enjoyable time in life. Family can mean a lot of thing for everybody, as we generally spend much of our time with our family. Being in a family environment is very important for us.We share many things in our family ,and we learn how to live with people in peace,so family means good and happy things for us.

2 Kasım 2008 Pazar

The Meaning of Life

One day, a rich man took his son to the village to show him how poor people live.They stayed at a house whose owner is farmer and poor.The other day, they returned to city.When their returning.the father asked her son how he found that trip. The child said it was good.Then father again asked if he understood how poor people lived in the village.And then the child returned to his father and said that yes i saw how poor we are.Because we have a dog and they have four dog.We have a small pool in our garden,and they have long rivers.We have lamp in our garden,and they have stars in the sky.We have a small garden, and their garden streches to the horizon.When he was speaking,his father cannot say even a word.And finally the child said that i saw how poop we are!!!!!!!!!!!

Living in Istanbul

We always complain about living in Istanbul,even most of us don't like this city because of its traffic congestion,air pollution,and environmental pollution;however we cannoy dispense with it.Some people associate it with woman,when i first heard that i only laughed.But now i'm thinging that similarity,and they are completely right.What makes this city so wonderful,its sea,air,water,or its bosphorus???O n the other hand when thinking about it,you notice that there is no point in living in Istanbul.But there is something i cannot tell that they make you put up with it.Istanbul cannot be told,but it is lived.It's name is probably attractiveness,so it looks like woman.and you inevitably love it.Acquiring it means the closedown of an era....